“Walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve, because that’s really why we’re here: to evolve as human beings.”Oprah Winfrey

Eventually, we all come to a place where we have to decide what we’re really made of.

Will we stretch into the unknown, forging forward in our consciousness to a place of discomfort, unease, unrest. Where the walls aren’t solid, the path is unclear and the floor gives way beneath you, where nothing is certain…and everything is possible.

We all have choice. In every moment, in every circumstance. Choice.  It is the one thing we have all been given, born with and are sovereign over. There is no privilege, no hierarchy, no history. Choice is free. Choice is non-denominational. It is Free Will. And it is given to us all, equally.


Not about the physicality of your world, not about the circumstances of your childhood, nor the parents you had or the home you grew up in, the school you went to. Not about your financial circumstances, your history, your karma, your tragedies, your comedies.

But about your perspective.

Free Will is about having the power to choose your perspective. The power to choose your frame of mind. What you will focus on. How you will internalize a situation. What you will make it mean about yourself.

It is the one thing that has the power to change your entire life, for better or worse. Instantly.

There is so much we have no control over. We don’t control the cards we’re dealt, the family we’re born into, the circumstances that befall us. We can try our hardest, plan it perfectly, take care of every detail – and still fail. We can screw up all the steps, make mistake after mistake, and still succeed.

None of it matters. Rise, fall. Win, lose. In the stretch of eternity none of it will matter anyway. We live these lives, so attached to the houses we’ve built that contain all the things we think are important. We hold on to them so tightly, so afraid to lose them. But in the end – life is both beautiful and futile. We are all going to die, eventually. After a few generations, our memories will be forgotten, all of the things we fought so hard to possess will have perished, no one will even remember our names. Dust to dust.

The only thing that is eternal is consciousness. To be fully expressed in this lifetime, to the best of our abilities. To life a life fully, and then to perish….only to start again.

Life is constantly testing us. Pushing us. Calling us to a higher purpose, a higher understanding, a higher consciousness. The next dimension. Asking us to be the highest expression of ourselves. It is a constant evolution of surrendering further into who we really are.

If we are willing.

We get to choose.

Every circumstance in our lives has the same purpose – to grow our consciousness. No one is better or worse, no one is positive or negative. They are all just tools to build us, shape us, forge us, make us stronger, build our understanding towards an expansion of our consciousness. Whether we view those experiences as negative or positive is our choice. Whether we let those experiences break us or build us. Open us or shut us down. Bury us in shame, fear, hurt, anger, anguish, or build us in humility, grace, forgiveness, surrender. We get to choose.

It isn’t easy. To be faced with your deepest fears. To have your heart destroyed. To be so deeply betrayed. To cry so hard and for so long you don’t think you’ll ever recover. To be broken and to somehow find the strength to pick yourself up, and start again. Trust again. Open again.

When the floor is unstable. And the fear is thick. When there are no good answers, no easy ways out and all doors are marked no exit.

But it is in the space of total uncertainty that everything is possible.


Krystine McInnes is CEO and Project Director of Athena Farms and Grown Here Farms. Stewarding purpose-driven, change-making projects with a focus on Planet, People, Profit and a commitment to Sustainable Business models.


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